"Produk terbaru kami ini, sengaja dihadirkan bagi para pecinta jejaring sosial. Dan untuk lebih memuaskan konsumen, kami pun memberikan fasilitas Video Chat dengan dual kamera. Meski hanya dengan teknologi GPRS, Skytech L68 tidak akan mengecewakan," kata Christiabudi, Direktur Marketing Skytech Mobile dalam keterangan resminya.
Tampilan Black Jade terlihat elegan dan terasa mantap dalam genggaman. Dalam kondisi aktif, layar terlihat cerah dengan sejumlah ikon menu. Jika biasanya, kebanyakan ponsel menempat ikon menu di barisan bawah, enam ikon menu di L68 terletak di bagian tengah, berbaris enam.
Di bagian belakang, ada kamera digital yang diapit dua buah speaker dengan masing-masing didesain seperti tiga buah garis pendek. Keypadnya yang didesain sedikit menonjol, juga enak dioperasikan, terasa lembut di jari. Paduan warna dasar hitam dengan warna putih untuk huruf serta warna orange untuk angka, tidak hanya membuat L68 tampak serasi, tetapi juga dengan mudah terbaca. Sedangkan navigasi menyukai trackpadnya, mudah dioperasikan, lembut dan sensitif.
"Pada dasarnya kami tidak ingin mengecewakan dan menyulitkan pengguna dalam pengoperasiannya. Sejauh ini, banyak laporan yang merasa puas menggunakan produk kami," jelas Christ.
Untuk koneksi data, Skytech L68 dilengkapi dengan Bluetooth A2DP, miniUSB, GPRS dan WAP. Dengan memori eksternal microSD, ponsel ini juga dilengkapi dengan Radio FM, Java Multitasking, video/audio player, video/audio record, 3GP, AVI dan MP3
Looking like Black Berry. There are lot of models available now that is having resemblance to BB.
This is been the great mobile for the User with the Dual Sim facilities.Its has the graphic using facalities,Bluetooth,Cameras and many more that will be comfortable for the user.
There are so many phones, i cant decide to buy which one.
This mobile phones looks Impressive. This is a good model with many advance facility like camera, video , Blue-tooth. Its size too big and Dual SIM mobile which is also good thing.
This cell phone quite very good. It has so many features which is very great thing. This model size is too big and provide very advance facility. I like it so much.
This mobile has GSM feature. I like this model as you post over here. It has so many advance featured like video,camera, blue tooth which is very good thing. One more advantage I know after read your post that is Dual SIM card. I like the features of this mobile. Thank you so much.
Here you presented skytech l68 black jade has advance facility. It has GSM application for users. In this mobile inbuilt Dual SIM feature that is one more advantage for those people who have more than one card. I never heard as before about this cellphones.
I never heard about this mobile. Through this article I know the great feature of this mobile. It look like blackberry. I think that It is affordable for most of the people with so many advance facility.
This model size is too big and provide very advance facility. I like it so much. This mobile has GSM feature which is very best.
This mobile phone is really nice design and features.I never see this mobile before.It is really nice article which gives this useful information.
This mobile looks like a blackberry and too much nice mobile with qwerty keypad. You shared such a useful information with us.
Its simply as the Karbon Mobile. However I would prefer to use Android SmartPhone which is amazing to be used. Right now I am using Samsung Note II.
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