Ponsel yang diberi nama Samsung Champ atau GT-C3300K itu akan tersedia mulai Juni 2010 mendatang dengan kisaran harga antara 100-150 dollar AS. Dirancang untuk pasar negara-negara berkembang, Samsung Champ akan tersedia di Afrika, Timur Tengah, Amerika Latin, Asia, dan Eropa.

Samsung Champ dilengkapi layar sentuh 2,4 inci dengan resolusi 320x240 pixel dan kamera 1,3 megapixel. Memori internal nya 30 MB dan pilihan memori eksternal yang mendukung hingga 8 GB. Baterainya tahan hingag 12 jam dalam kondisi aktif dan 660 jam kondisi stand by. Di dalamnya sudah ditanamkan aplikasi jejaring sosial.
Berikut Spesifikasi lengkapnya :
- Network GSM/EDGE
- 2.4” inch QVGA Resistive Touchscreen
- 240 × 320 pixel Resolution
- 1.3 Mega Pixel Camera
- Bluetooth v2.1
- Music Player
- Video Player
- 3.5 mm Audio Jack
- Built-in Stereo Presets
- USB 2.0 Connectivity
- Up to 8GB MicroSD Card Support
- TouchWiz Lite UI
- 3D Audio Preset
- 1000 mAh Battery
- Talk Time 12 hrs
- Standby 666 hrs
I also like the samsung corby. It has good appearance and amazing features. This samsung champ has a nice pixel camera,thank for posting this update.
It's a cell phone news site, so any news on a cell phone will be reported. It might not be on a higher end phone that you're wish for, but news is news nonetheless.
Hmm cocok buat berkantong Pess nih... hehehe
lumayan murah ya.....di indonesia udah keluar belum...
This is an excellent mobile with great design and cheap touch-screen which is affordable by everyone. And if we are getting everything in this cheap handset then why to go for expensive mobile.
Samsung Champ equipped with 2.4 inch touch screen with 320x240 pixel resolution and 1.3 megapixel camera. Its 30 MB internal memory and external memory option that supports up to 8 GB. Hingag 12 hours of battery resistance is in the active and 660 hours stand-by condition. In it is embedded social networking applications.
Wiiii... HP keren tapi murah.
Bisa ngobatin aku yang pengin iphone nih..
Makasih ya infonya
keren euy.. jd pengen nyobain..
Murahnya itu yang menggiurkan...
This is a cheapest touch screen mobile I have ever seen in my life with great looks and even it is best as usage. Memory storage is also quite good. It's complete worthable mobile.
Belum tahu kapan hadir nih
I am a big fan of the Samsung Reality. It has a touch screen and slide out QWERTY keyboard. You can also get it free from Verizon Wireless.
I bought this phone from Europe for about 150$. Good phone.
So beautiful and useful. I like the style.
Nanya nih... bagaimana tip dan trik nya sehingga blog ini bisa di approve google adsense... makasih juga buat share samsung champ nya. btw ada bandingannya ga yang setara dari merk lain?
Kalau ingin di approve, coba buat aja terus blog nya (posting terus) kalo sudah mateng baru ajuin adse nya:P
Thank's juga sudah koment
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